Today, on 26 September, we are launching extended features for GEWA Connect, GEWA Connect is the latest addition to the environmental control family. With GEWA Connect you can manage both your physical and virtual world by using the same assistive technology. With version 2.1 we introduce the ability to manage all settings and configurations from a remote computer by using myAbilia’s synchronization opportunities.
GEWA Connect is an app that can be installed on an existing Android device, a smartphone or tablet. This app helps people with functional disabilities to manage their environment in a simple and independent manner. It helps people to become physically independent, while also helping them to participate in social situations.
GEWA Connect is synchronised with Abilia's web service myAbilia, where you are able to manage settings and configurations from a remote computer, which can then later by synchronised to the device. All settings and data are stored in a personal myAbilia account on the internet. Should you lose your device, you are easily able to download all information to your new smartphone or tablet from myAbilia.
Manage your physical surroundings
By using GEWA Connect, you are easily able to manage your physical surroundings:
- Open and close windows and doors
- Switch lights on and off
- Control household appliances
- Manage your TV, radio and sound system
Both IR and GEWA Radio are used as transmission systems for controlling your physical surroundings. This means that you can control everything, from normal home electronics to Abilia's advanced receivers, e.g. Andromeda Socket that is controlled via Z-wave. GEWA's products for environmental control are used all over the world, and they have an exceptional range and quality.
Control your virtual environment
You are also able to control your device's features and apps when using GEWA Connect:
- Keep in contact with friends and family by making phone calls or sending SMS
- Visit websites, read the news, watch YouTube, or listen to music online
- Be active on social media sites, such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
- Control other apps
The heart of the system is the Abilia Multibox, which is connected to your device via Bluetooth. The GEWA Connect app is installed on the device and receives commands via a control switch that is connected to the Multibox. Commands are sent from the app to the IR or GEWA radio transmitter in the Multibox, in order to control your physical surroundings.
Read more detailed information about GEWA Connect
Read more about myAbilia