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Cost-benefits for society

Cost benefits for society achieved within one year


Scientific research in the field of cost-benefit for society indicates that the introduction and use of cognitive tools for people with psychological disability results in a significant benefit for both society at large, and for the municipality, Local Authorities and state, as well as for the users themselves.

The benefit for society, county council and municipalities is achieved within just one year of making the investment. Over a 5 year period, society would benefit to the tune of SEK 146,000 per user.

The cost-benefit assessments have been based on both a cost-benefit perspective and from an income and income-increasing perspective resulting from:

  • Increased social income dependent on earlier access to and greater progress on the jobs market
  • Improved social income due to reduced need for support from family members
  • Reduced costs for state, municipality and county council
  • Better use of resources for municipalities and county councils

To these more quantifiable effects must also be added a number of other consequences of the tools, which will also have direct economic consequences such as:

  • A reduced burden on the healthcare system
  • Fewer visits to emergency mental health clinics
  • Reduced need for medication
  • Less need for special accommodation 

Last but not least, the effects in terms of health economics must also be considered. The use of aids leads to improved self-esteem, a greater sense of confidence and an improved quality of life for users.

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The findings are based on 4 research studies involving 447 participants, students, adults with cognitive disabilities, experts, pedagogues and clinical staff. 
Alwin 2008, Dahlberg 2010, Nilsson Lundmark 2013, Lindstedt 2013 and Pettersson 2008.