
706380_HandiCalendar iOS

HandiCalendar is an aid that helps you know what needs to be done and ensures that you get started. Being able to perform various activities independently often leads to a greater sense of self-esteem. You can install HandiCalendar on your iOS or Android device. 

The calendar gives you an overview of your day, week and month. You receive clear alarms when the activities begin and end. To each activity you can link additional information, such as a checklist or a phone number.

If you use an iOS device you can also see your calendar in your Apple Watch, and view your activities when you are unavailable/Busy, such as when you are exercising, in a lecture or at a meeting.

Via myAbilia web service, you or a relative can use any computer to manage your calendar, your photos and your checklists. By using myAbilia, your relatives or support persons can also see whether your activities were executed. Read more about myAbilia.


HandiCalendar license 1 year, art.no 706385
HandiCalendar license 3 years, art.no 706380


The product is marketed as a technical aid class I for people with disabilities and complies with Regulation (EU) 2017/745 - MDR.

Demo version:

You may run a HandiCalendar demo version for 60 days.

  • Create a user account at myabilia.com
  • Download the app for free from AppStore and PlayStore.
  • Log in with your user account.
  • Use the demo version for 60 days.

Note! If you want to continue using HandiCalendar, a license is required. Please contact support@abilia.uk

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Create a myAbilia account and install HandiCalendar
