Change regarding accounts in myAbilia

As of November 26, everyone that has an account in myAbilia needs to agree to the following terms in order to use the web service.


Terms of use
Describes the rules for using myAbilia and connected products. By accepting the terms, the account owner agrees to follow the rules.


Privacy Policy
Shows that Abilia complies with the Data Protection Regulation and handles the data in myAbilia in a safe way. By approving the policy, the account owner allows Abilia to save his/hers personal data.



Accept the terms when creating an account for yourself
When creating an account via, you must now tick the boxes to confirm that you have read and accepted the terms.
If you are an account administrator and create an account for someone else you will not accept the terms on behalf of this person. Instead, this person must approve the terms by himself at the first login to myAbilia.


Terms create



Accept the terms when the account has been created by someone else, or before November 26, 2019
When you log in to myAbilia without having previously accepted the terms, you will see a message in which you must tick the boxes to confirm that you have read and accepted the terms


Terms after


It is not possible to proceed without accepting the terms. If you don’t want to accept the terms, you cannot use myAbilia.


The change in myAbilia does not affect the assistive applications
Even if the terms are not accepted, the assistive applications connected to myAbilia can still be used. There will be no message in the applications and they will continue to sync.