Physical disability

People with physical disabilities have difficulty, for various reasons, moving certain parts or all of their body. This can have an impact on cognition, perception, communication, mobility and coarse and fine motor skills. Physical disability is a collective term for various diagnoses that may be congenital, or which may be the result of injury or illness. Some examples of diagnoses are CP (Cerebral Palsy), neural tube defects, muscle diseases, rheumatism or acquired brain injury.

What can daily life with a physical disability look like?

  • You might not be able to decide for yourself when and how you do things.
  • You might have difficulty maintaining contact with others and you might feel socially isolated.
  • Sitting or lying in the same position might cause you pain.
  • You might need help and support with activities.

Having a physical disability often means being heavily dependent on other people, which very often can feel like an erosion of your integrity. You might have a minor physical disability that nevertheless restricts your mobility to such an extent that you are unable to move for more than a little while at a time, or perhaps your mobility is so restricted that you are permanently bed-bound or you have to use a wheelchair all the time.

How can we help you?

There are many different types of aid that can assist you in your daily life and help give you greater independence in your home. This could be, for example, being able to turn lights on and off yourself, watching TV and listening to music, adjusting your sitting or lying position, answering a door intercom and letting visitors in through the front door, and much more. Using our wireless transmitters and switches, we can customize our aids to meet your specific needs. This would allow you to control large parts of your home with everything from remote controls to controlling things with one of your feet or by blinking an eye.

However you control your aids, Abilia's products can provide anything you might conceivably need to communicate with the world around you. For example, you can hold conversations via communications aids based on speech synthesis, telephony, texts or Skype. Use social media and surf the net, just like anyone else. This would allow you to maintain contact with your nearest and dearest easily and without having to be physically present.

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