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Quality of Life

Increased quality of life – carers and family




Research studies show that providing users with cognitive assistive tools reduces the need for supervision by carers, and facilitates working with the users. It improves the quality or their daily life and gives greater job satisfaction for family members, carers and clinical staff.


Reduced stress


Family members, carers and clinical staff become less stressed and feel calmer when the users can manage more in daily living on their own. 


Improved relations


Family members, carers, clinical staff and teachers find that it is easier to interact and communicate with the users. They experience fewer conflicts with the users and their relationship improves.


Greater job satisfaction for carers and clinical staff


Carers, teachers and clinical staff at e.g. group homes consider that they can work more efficiently and focus on more practical and meaningful tasks, other than just managing basic needs. They experience greater job satisfaction.


Family members get more time for own activities and work


Family members can focus more on their own activities and their own job and it is possible for them to work more e.g. work full time instead of part-time. Studies estimate that the family members can reduce their support time by at least 1-10 hour per week. In addition, the reduced traveling time should also be taken into consideration.


Abilia products


MEMOday, MEMOdayplanner, MEMOplanner, Handi, Night-and Day Calendar, MEMO Timer.

The findings are based on 20 research studies including 1,124 participants, elderly with dementia, children, youngsters, students and adults with cognitive and/or psychological disabilities as well as family, carers and clinical staff.


Adolfsson 2014, Arvidsson 2006, Alwin 2008, Bakken 2014, Nilsson Lundmark 2013, Forsenäs 2011, Gatu 2003, Grön 2014, Hagen 2006, Janeslätt 2014, Jonsson 2008, Lindstedt 2013, Mattsson 2009, Meland 2015, Mellgren 2015, Pettersson 2008, Svahn 2010, Thagesson 2015 and Topo 2007.