Baby swim

Better use of resources for municipalities and county councils



The most reliable and quantifiable effect of a socio-economic assessment is the gradual reduction in the need for support from municipalities and county councils. The tools can reduce the burden on the healthcare system as a result of reduced care needs, fewer visits to emergency mental health clinics and a reduced need for medication. It will also be easier for users to keep appointments with authorities, doctors, dentists etc. Another likely effect is that users will be more able to remain in their own homes instead of requiring special accommodation.


An extremely conservative estimate is that the tools will lead to a reduced need for support by municipalities and county councils of 1 hour per week, which corresponds to a total reduction in costs of SEK 15,600 per user per year. 


Abilia products


MEMOday, MEMOmessanger, MEMOdayplanner, MEMOplanner, Handi, Night-and Day Calendar, Bordsklocka, MEMO Timer.




The findings are based on 4 research studies involving 447 participants, students, adults with cognitive disabilities, experts, pedagogues and clinical staff. 
Alwin 2008, Dahlberg 2010, Nilsson Lundmark 2013, Lindstedt 2013 and Pettersson 2008.